How Does an Oil Centrifuge Works?

19 Nov 2019 | Family

Interfil’s intelligent centrifuges are designed for efficient separation of unwanted particles from wastewater, industrial oils, waste vegetable oils, biodiesel, emulsions, solvents and many other industrial processes. You may have heard of the term centrifuge, but may not necessarily know how it works. Keep on reading to find out.

The basic principle upon which a oil centrifuge works is the difference in density among different fluids and solid particulates.  This results in the motor spinning at a very high speed to create intense pressures from the centrifugal force generated.

The Operating Principle

Oil or the solution is transferred to the centrifuge from your process via a pump or under gravity controlled by level sensors.  A rotor that is driven by a high speed induction motor spinning at a speed of about 4000 rpm is inside this centrifuge. As a result of the gravitational force exerted, all the contaminating particles are drawn outward, and the purified oil or solution moves into the centre of the rotating bowl. The settled contaminated particles are removed periodically from the rotor and thoroughly cleaned.


So, what makes a centrifuge different from a filter? Well, a filters main purpose is the eliminate any impurities from liquid filtration. A centrifuges objective is the same, but it is far more efficient. Unlike like a regular filter that has a life span, the centrifuge can remove particles to sub-micron levels without blinding, that of something shorter or less than one-millionth of a meter which is incredible.

Ordinary filters take time to separate impurities, whereas the techniques used by a centrifuge machine is not only more efficient but much faster at little to no consumable costs.


Without getting too technical, a gravitational force (g-force) within the rotor is created which causes the unwanted particles to drift to the outer perimeters of the rotor shell in a dense cake form. This allows the clean solution to flow to the centre of the bowl or better described as overflowing the inner bowl and gravity flow out of the lower chamber.

A return path can be seen toward the rotor centre, where the gravitational force is less effective. The particles can be removed later from the out wall by means of the auto discharge tube. In order for the particle to be removed, it needs to be denser than the flowing oil.

To view our selection of locally designed, patented, and manufactured centrifuges, call Interfil today on 02 9533 4433.



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