If you know anything about construction, you might know the first step is laying a proper foundation. The foundation is a layer of high-grade concrete framed by steel or wood platforms. You need a solid foundation to ensure that your building doesn’t topple, either from its weight or from natural shifts in the ground itself. And the more storeys a building has, the deeper your foundation needs to be.
While preparing to lay a foundation, construction crews must dig into the ground using heavy duty excavation equipment. Some foundations need to be drilled all the way into the rock layer, and often, the underground water table gets compromised in the process. Similar issues are encountered in the mining industry, where underground water is released while unearthing deep-seated minerals.
All this excess liquid has to be disposed of in the right way. If it is allowed to seep back into the ground, it will weaken the foundation by soaking into the soil or stone and softening it. It can make the whole ground sink, with disastrous consequences.
There are specialised firms that deal with wastewater, but they can be quite pricey. You’d have to incur the cost of transporting your raw wastewater to their recycling sites. And since the waste is untreated, they would charge you much more. Plus, you’d need to store this wastewater before you can transport it to processing plants.
To make your life easier and your costs more affordable, treat the groundwater yourself. Interfil has two patented machines that can handle this. Our Vacumatic Sludge Dewatering System is excellent for treating groundwater and separating the solid cake from the reusable water. It can also be used to process the swampy sludge of drilling mud.
Our Vacumatic Sludge System has a dewatering screen that is powered by vacuum. The vacuum beneath the screen creates a powerful high-speed suction effect. The process sifts out solid particles and places them on a conveyor belt that delivers them to a collection bin. This way, the volume of dry cake reduces drastically. As a result, it needs less storage space and lower transportation costs. Meanwhile, the wastewater is now much cleaner and safer for disposal or reuse, and you don’t need to pay an additional price to recycle it.
Another option for cleaning wastewater and drilling mud is our Interfil High-Speed Vertical Self Cleaning Centrifuge. It cleans wastewater by spinning it in a chamber at speeds of 3,000 g-forces. The spinning separates solids and collects them in a storage sump that is programmed with a preset weight. The machine runs continuously until the pre-programmed weight is reached.
At that point, it cleans itself by ejecting the accumulated solid waste. This waste can be transported for disposal, while the water produced by the machine is safe for industrial reuse. It saves you money on two fronts. One, you don’t need to incur the cost of sourcing more construction water, since you can reuse the wastewater cleaned by the centrifuge. And two, the dry cake occupies much less storage space and will be far cheaper to dispose of.
If you’d like to find out more about our patented wastewater cleaners, call us today on 02 9533 4433.
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